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1.Quantify the copy efficiency of positive and negative clones. The expression of TrpR was simulated by a mathematical model with tryptophan binding, the inhibition of TrpR was described by the ODE equation, and then the expression of Taq polymerase was characterized using GFP. Finally, using R, the difference in replication efficiency between positive and negative clones was simulated to obtain the final quantitative function.

2.After obtaining the difference in replication efficiency, the number of cycles used to select the final target is estimated by simulating cycles of directed evolution.

3.Based on the model results, mathematically simulate the entire pathway and mathematically validating the feasibility of directed evolution. Integration with experimental data, evaluation models.


The general tryptophan repressor (TrpR) is not specific, and we wanted to obtain mutant that could stably suppress tryptophan (Trp) expression. Therefore, we apply the compartmentalized partnered replication (CPR) to perform positive and negative selection. Each one positive or negative selection is called a cycle (Figure 1).

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Model-Positive Selection

Reaction I \(TrpR2\) Synthesis

The synthesis of tryptophan repressor is divided into three steps: transcription, translation and dimerization. In the following ODE equation describing TrpR transcription, \(mRNA_{TrpR}\) is the concentration of TrpR mRNA; \(k_{TC1}\) is the transcription rate of DNA and \(k_{DedM}\) is the degradation rate of mRNA.

$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ mRNA_{TrpR} \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{TC1}DNA_{TrpR}-k_{DegM}\left[ mRNA_{TrpR} \right] $$ In the translation equation (2), \(k_{TL1}\) is the translation rate. \(k_{DegP}\) repersents the degration rate of TrpR. \(K_{Di1}\) is TrpR dimerizing rate and thus \(2k_{Di1}{[TrpR]}^2\) indicates that the resulting molecule will undergo dimerization. $$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ TrpR \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{TL1}\left[ mRNA_{TrpR} \right] -k_{DegP}\left[ TrpR \right] -2k_{Di1}\left[ TrpR \right] ^2 $$ The dimerization process is the formation of a dimer from two TrpR . What’s more, as is to be described in Reaction2 $$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ TrpR2 \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{Di1}\left[ TrpR \right] ^2-k_{DegP}\left[ TrpR2 \right] +k_{Dis-Asso}\left[ TrpR2-Trp \right] $$
Reaction II \(TrpR2\) combine with Trp
Dimerisation leads to a conformational change of active site of each TrpR, enabling each monomer to bind to a molecule of either Trp . Therefore, TrpR2 can bind to two Trp molecules, forming TrpR2-Trp or TrpR2-BT (Figure 3) $$ \left[ TrpR2 \right] +2\left[ Trp \right] \left[ TrpR2-T \right] $$ Blog One

Model-Negative Selection

The negative cycle is essentially the same as the positive cycle, the difference being that the substrate in the reaction environment is changed from tryptophan to bromotryptophan. Therefore, the only difference from the equation of the positive cycle is the replacement of Trp with Br-Trp. All reaction equations are as follows:

Reaction I \(TrpR^2\) Synthesis

$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ mRNA_{TrpR} \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{TC1}DNA_{TrpR}-k_{DegM}\left[ mRNA_{TrpR} \right] $$
$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ TrpR \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{TL1}\left[ mRNA_{TrpR} \right] -k_{DegP}\left[ TrpR \right] $$
$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ TrpR2 \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{Di}\left[ TrpR \right] ^2-k_{Sepe1}\left[ TrpR2 \right] $$
Reaction2:\(TrpR^2\) combine with Br-Trp

$$ \left[ TrpR2 \right] +2\left[ Br-Trp \right] \left[ TrpR2-TB \right] $$
$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ TrpR2-TB \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{AR\_BT}\left[ TrpR2 \right] \frac{\left[ Br-Trp \right] ^2}{\left[ Br-Trp \right] ^2+\left[ Br-Trp_0 \right] ^2}-k_{sepe2}\left[ TrpR2-TB \right] $$
Reaction3: \(TrpR^2\)-TB suppress the representation of CI

$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ mRNA_{taq} \right]}{\text{dt}}=\frac{k_{TC3}}{1+\left( \frac{\left[ TrpR2-TB \right]}{K_{Hill1}} \right) ^n}DNA_{CI}-k_{DegM}\left[ mRNA_{taq} \right] $$
$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ taq \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{TL3}\left[ mRNA_{taq} \right] -k_{DegP}\left[ taq \right] $$
Reaction4: CI protein inhibit the expression of

$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ mRNA_{GFP} \right]}{\text{dt}}=\frac{k_{TC4}}{1+\left( \frac{\left[ TrpR2-TB \right]}{K_{Hill1}} \right) ^n}DNA_{GFP}-k_{DegM}\left[ mRNA_{GFP} \right] $$
$$ \frac{\text{d}\left[ GFP \right]}{\text{dt}}=k_{TL2}\left[ mRNA_{GFP} \right] -k_{DegP}\left[ GFP \right] $$


We employed ordinary differential equation to model the transcription and translation dynamics of CPR selection process, containing both positive and negative selection. We used the ODE solver“deSolve”in R to simulate our selection system.

As shown by the graph (Figure 2.4A), within 2 hours, TrpR reaches its plateau at about 150 and at the same time TrpR gets rapid polymerization formation into TrpR2, which peaks at Time = 20 h, 75 . Compared with TrpR and TrpR2, TrpR2-T's formation process is much lower, reaching it saturated at Time = 40h, 25 uM. In the CI, CI2 graph (Figure 2.4B), CI quickly reaches its peak at Time = 8 h, 3.8 and then it go through a steady but slow decreasing process to about 1.7 uM. While for the CI2 protein, it has the similar trend with CI and its peak and steady state concentration is half of that of CI.

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Comparing to the experimental data

In our experiments, we assumed a constant tryptophan concentration. Since GFP expression is affected by tryptophan-controlled gene expression circuit, GFP concentrations could be predicted by tryptophan concentrations supplied in the beginning (Figure 5). As the concentration of tryptophan supplied increases, the final concentration of GFP decreases following a logistic decay. Meanwhile, the decline slows down when the concentration of tryptophan is over 0.5 mM.

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We calculated the regression curve of the experimental data using the function “geom_smooth” in package “tidyverse” to conduct a LOESS regression curve and found the correlation between tryptophan concentration and RPU/OD600, a direct reflection of GFP concentration, also follows a logistic decay pattern (Figure 6).

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Comparing theoretical model with experimental data, we found that our model could make a fairly accurate prediction on GFP expression level based on tryptophan supplied. Our model is not sensitive when the concentration of Trp is above 10^ (-2) and under 10^ (-0.5) without showing the trend of decreasing slowly. However, our model shows accuracy when the concentration of Trp is above 10^ (-0.5) and under 10^ (-2) .